Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fall Linen Washing

The Midwest, particularly our corner of Ohio, is enjoying some unseasonably warm weather.  I'm loving having days of 85 degrees in which to get the yardwork done!

One of my traditional fall tasks, regardless of the temperature or duration of Indian Summer, is to wash all of the quilts, bedspreads, and blankets and hang them on the outside line to dry.  This simple tip allows you to start your winter with bedding and throws that all smell of summer, and, for me, every quilt I hang to dry saves me about an hour of drier time.

One caveat:  October has less heat, less direct sunlight, and shorter days than, say, July.  In July, I can pretty much do this task (if I wish -- I usually do it in May to prepare for summer) in one day by continually washing quilts and knowing they will be dry in about two hours.  Now, each quilt takes all day to dry, so plan ahead and prioritize your loads to take advantage of the few remaining warm days ahead!
The Analysis

Fast:  Line drying is definitely slower than using the appliance, but you don't really have to be involved for much of the process, either way.

Cheap:  As noted, for me each quilt washed and line-dried saves about an hour of drier time.  I'm not sure what this translates to in dollars and cents, but it has to be noticeable.

Good:  Your bonus is fresh bedding that smells of sun and air to cuddle into during the cold weeks to come.
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