Thursday, December 13, 2012

How Much Does a Garden Grow: November

I thought you guys might get a kick out of our Christmas card picture for the year, featuring the seldom-seen Mr. FC&G doing his best American Gothic microfarmer pose. You will notice that I am wearing my very expensive, lined, homemade apron that I slaved over last spring.

But really, there you have it.  November's harvest slowed to a trickle, as you would expect it to.  A little bit of greens, a couple ounces of leeks, a couple of peppers salvaged before I dumped the plants in the compost.  This time of year makes me so sad, as a gardener.  I mean, yeah, I get the whole "circle of life" thing.  I've seen The Lion King.

"Look, Simba -- everything the sunlight touches is our kingdom.  Except, over there, that's the neighbor's yard, so we can't microfarm there.  And that's a suburban intersection, so the city will have a fit if we dig that up.  But across the street is a nice, respectable microfarm garden, and nearby are the bike paths we will ride again in spring...."

Something like that.

Anyway, with less than a dollar of harvest this month, I present you with the tallies.  The only thing I can really point out is that I'm sailing along at about a 237% return on investment, which isn't too shabby.

2012 Tally to Date
158.0625 lbs. total harvested
$466.17 value of harvest for 2012
$196.65 expenditures for 2012
$269.52 profit to date

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