Wednesday, March 30, 2016

How Much Does a Garden Grow: First Quarter, 2016

And we're back with another installment of "How Much Does a Garden Grow."  I've left this column alone for a quarter because there really wasn't much to report over the winter, but we are getting started now.

This is the season of expenditures, and thus far I've spent $53.78 on seed starting and plant orders.  I'll need lots more, of course, but this is a good start.

The interesting things is that I harvested 3 ounces of tomatoes from the plant I brought inside last fall.  I know I got about that much last year after harvest time too, proving that it is probably not worth it to purposely try to nurse a tomato plant through the winter in our climate.  However, if you have one in a container with fruit on it and a place to put it, like I did, it makes a fun diversion.

The beans did not fare so well over the winter, so I won't do that again, and the jury is still out on the pepper plants I brought inside.  They are looking rough, but they are alive.  We'll see if I manage to get them to come back this spring.

Otherwise, I have greens about ready to harvest, and I'm getting ready to plant peas in containers.  As you can see, the tomatoes are ready to be transplanted too.  So, the garden is seriously underway!


Total Expenditures: $53.78

Harvest: 3 oz./0.1875 lbs.
Harvest value: $0.75

Cumulative savings:  ($53.03)

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